I wonder what happens in the school at night
When there’s nobody there and it’s locked up tight
When there’s nobody there and it’s locked up tight
And they’ve all gone home and turned out the last light
Tell me, what goes on in the school at night?
Tell me, what goes on in the school at night?
I wonder what happens when they’ve all gone home
And there’s just the caretaker all alone
And there’s just the caretaker all alone
Walking up and down in the empty halls
With his footsteps echoing off the walls
With his footsteps echoing off the walls
When it’s freezing cold because the heating’s off
But nobody moans that they’ll sneeze and cough
But nobody moans that they’ll sneeze and cough
For they’ve all gone away to their comfy houses
And there’s no living things except the spiders and mouses
And there’s no living things except the spiders and mouses
To hear the building groan and creak
In the way that old places like to speak
In the way that old places like to speak
And to tell the tales of the things they saw
About all the kids coming through their door
About all the kids coming through their door
All the generations, bad and good,
Who attended here from the neighbourhood
Who attended here from the neighbourhood
The crumbling school has seen them all
As they walked – “Don’t run” – through their crumbling halls
As they walked – “Don’t run” – through their crumbling halls
Silence in class or break-time noise
They’d all been here, all the girls and the boys
They’d all been here, all the girls and the boys
And they’d all gone home when the day was done
Yes, they’d all gone home. Well, except for one.
Yes, they’d all gone home. Well, except for one.
A twelve year old called Thomas May
Whose parents thought had run away
Whose parents thought had run away
From home. They said they’d had a fight
About what time he should turn out his light
About what time he should turn out his light
So he’d gone to school like he always did
But he never went back, this poor little kid
But he never went back, this poor little kid
Who nobody liked and who sulked all the time.
When he hadn’t got home by eight or nine
When he hadn’t got home by eight or nine
They called the police and they searched the town
But no sign of Thomas was ever found
But no sign of Thomas was ever found
He’d stayed behind when school was done
Rather than face his angry Mum
Rather than face his angry Mum
And hidden away till silence fell
Long after the final lesson’s bell
Long after the final lesson’s bell
He’d crept through the gym to the changing room
And there he’d hidden in the gathering gloom
And there he’d hidden in the gathering gloom
'til they’d all locked up and no-one was aware
That a foolish boy was hiding there
That a foolish boy was hiding there
But in the silent darkness out he came
Yet the empty school didn’t feel the same
Yet the empty school didn’t feel the same
Was there something there just out of sight
In an unoccupied school in the dead of night?
In an unoccupied school in the dead of night?
He thought he glimpsed, from the corner of his eye,
A shape, a figure, something flash by
A shape, a figure, something flash by
He was caught on film about one forty-five
And that’s the last time anyone saw him alive
And that’s the last time anyone saw him alive
The security shots that the camera caught
Shows him running away, looking scared and fraught
Shows him running away, looking scared and fraught
Though it never showed what he was running from
Or what happened when the thing caught up with Tom
Or what happened when the thing caught up with Tom
But we know that nothing good occurred
In the silent school where nothing stirred
In the silent school where nothing stirred
For young Thomas May is still around
And his ghostly form can be sometimes found
And his ghostly form can be sometimes found
You can see right through him like he’s made of glass
As he wanders around from class to class
As he wanders around from class to class
Like he’s searching for an exit door
But poor Tommy May won’t go home any more
But poor Tommy May won’t go home any more
He’s the old school house’s resident spirit.
Every ancient building has at least one in it.
Every ancient building has at least one in it.
There he’ll stay to the end of days
Paying the price for running away
Paying the price for running away
So don’t stay alone in a dark, dark school
Our you might end up like that young fool
Our you might end up like that young fool
Find another safe place to hide and play
So tell me children, what do you say?
So tell me children, what do you say?
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